Labels:text | person | advertising | human face | flyer | poster | publication | brochure | box OCR: Sports Illustrated SWIMSUIT CALENDAR N ow you can enjoy the sights and sexy fun of the Sports Illustrated® Swimsuit Issue all year long with your very own personalized calendar, featuring all your favorite beauties! You'll be spending each month of 2005 with the model of your choice, and what BONUS an incredible selection to choose from: Melissa Keller, Bridget Hall, Molly Sims, Video Clips Marisa Miller, Carolyn Murphy, Petra Included Nemcova, and so many more. Set up is easy and fun. In just 3 simple steps, your new year will feature the world's most gorgeous women D57 in some of the world's most beautiful locations! Cover: Veronica Varekova - Walter looss Jr ., Cover Insets: Yamila Diaz-Rahi - Walter Looss Jr ., Angela Lindvall - Jeff Bark, Bridget Hall - Walter Chin. Back: Veronica Varekova - Walter Looss Jr ., Jessica White - Walter Looss Jr ., Angela Lindvall - Jeff Bark. Inside Left: Frankie Rayder - Stewart Shining, Bridget Hall - Walter Chin, Jessica White - Walter Looss Jr ., Inside Right: Bridget Hall - Walter Chin Copyright 2005 Synapse Solutions Inc. All rights reserved. Sports 8 70068 00118 Illustrated® and Sports Illustrated® Logo are registered trademarks 5 of Sports Illustrated® and are under license.